Branching out

“In a world raging with fire, both literal and discursive, what does participating in branch activities give you in addition to the carefully curated and researched, FSC-paper pearls that arrive every three months?” I take a look at the multiple benefits of participating in Renew branch activities, such as getting first-hand expert information, inspiring and engaging presentations, and the support of like-minded people.

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Op Ed: Empower by cooling the cost of hot water

A simple changeover to a more efficient appliance, combined with using it at a time of day when excess renewable power is plentiful, can have a profound impact on how much energy we use. This is the subject of an op ed I wrote in October which was published in 116 Fairfax papers.

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What is driving community energy?

Community renewable energy is experiencing rapid growth around Australia at the moment and north-eastern Victoria is no exception. Although cheaper technology explains part of that growth, multiple factors combined with communities taking back an element of control are playing their part too. 
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